試閱: 1. First Sight This was the time of day when I wished I were able to sleep. High school. Or was purgatory the right word? If there was any way to atone for my sins, this ought to count toward the tally in some measure. The tedium was not something I grew used to; every day seemed more impossibly monotonous than the last. I suppose this was my form of sleep if sleep was defined as the inert state between active periods. I stared at the cracks running through the plaster in the far corner of the cafeteria
声 明:
⑴ 《暮光之城-midnight sun(英文版1-6部)》小说精彩连篇、跌宕起伏,希望广大书友支持正版,支持作者。
⑵ 《暮光之城-midnight sun(英文版1-6部)》为[美]斯蒂芬妮梅尔所著属虚构作品,不涉及任何真实人物、事件等,请勿将杜撰作品与现实挂钩,作品中的观点和立场与日昌小说网的立场无关,本站只为广大书友提供电子书阅读平台。